Cosgrove village
Welcome to our village website, where you'll find information about Cosgrove and the community.
Cosgrove village is a rural community located in South Northamptonshire and is served by West Northamptonshire Council.
Use the menu and dropdowns above to find information, news and points of interest for our village, where to eat, drink & stay, local businesses and our country walks. The Events calendar page shows what's on in the village, when and where it's held and which rubbish bins will be emptied each week for the current and next month.
Spend some time to meander through our gallery of village views, both present and yesteryear. To help provide more interesting information and photographs, we have our News roundup and Village Events pages. Please take a look and see what's made the news.
For an email notification of important news, select the News tab, where you can add your email address. You will receive an email informing you, whenever items of news are added to the website.
Development and Planning information can be selected from the menu above.
If you can't find what you're looking for, please let us know by selecting Contact from the options above.
Recent updates
Click the blue hyperlink to be directed to the page on the website.
5th September - Parish Council Meeting Minutes 2024: Approved minutes of the July meeting. Finance - Cosgrove PC: Annual Internal Audit Final Reports uploaded. Parish Council: Next Meeting Wednesday 2nd October.
9th August - Events calendar - events for September updated.
21st July - Home: Vaccination information. Wasps - help available from WNC. West Northamptonshire Council: new consultations in progress. Follow the links to reach current consultations. Libraries launch summer reading challenge. Wasps - help available from WNC.
10th July -
3rd July - Development and Planning: Applications with status of Pending updated. West Northamptonshire Council: Update on accessing and using Fix my Street for problems in West Northamptonshire Council.
15th June - Annual Assembly of the Parish 2024: Photo gallery from the meeting added.
9th June - Annual Assembly of the Parish 2024: Draft minutes of the meeting and Chair's report for 2023-24, uploaded.
19th May - Home: Cosgrove's Playing Field and how you can help.
4th May - Village Walks and Home: Warning of grazing cattle near Public Rights of Way.
Playing Field and Equipment needs of the community
Do you have aspirations to help improve the Village Playing Field?
If you do, gather your thoughts, determine what your children wish for, check out suppliers, potential costs and options to aid funding. Funding is an issue, but you may have the knowledge and skill to access grants.
Please let our Parish clerk, Jenny Evans or a Parish Councillor know if you can help. Contact Jenny by email at clerk@cosgroveparishcouncil.org.uk
Parish Councillor vacancies
Notice of Casual Vacancy for the two vacant Parish Council positions can be viewed on Parish Council screen.
Grazing cattle near Public Rights of Way
Cattle with calves are now grazing in fields with Public Rights of Way. Cattle are inquisitive animals and are often attracted to walkers, especially if walking a dog. Please consider using alternative routes if you're unsure or you notice that the cattle are excited by your presence.
With increasing volumes of traffic through the village it is vital that pavements and paths are kept clear, and pedestrians not forced to walk in the road.
Concerns have been raised at the March Parish Council about vehicles being parked inconsiderately. In one location vehicles are forced over the centre white line when passing the vehicle.
Vehicles parked near to the crossroads create blind spots for drivers, as it's impossible to see if a vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction.
The Parish Council appreciate that parking is difficult, but appeals to everyone to consider whether their parked vehicle creates an unnecessary hazard. Please check that your vehicle is parked as safely as possible and that you've checked if another location may be safer for everyone.
Reminder for school aged children and young people to get vaccinated ahead of summer holidays
West Northamptonshire Public Health are encouraging primary, secondary and further education students and their parents and guardians, to check their vaccination status, to ensure they are up to date.
Increased mixing during the holidays means the risk of viruses spreading amongst children and young people is heightened. Some of the most common infections to circulate within our school aged population includes measles, mumps, and meningitis, which can cause severe complications, and in some cases require hospitalisation.
Some children and young people may have missed out on getting their routine vaccinations or are newly eligible, and are therefore being reminded to get this protection. Vaccinations help to boost the immune system and protects against complications an infection can cause.
Children and young people who attend school should have been offered vaccinations through their GP or the school immunisation programme. If your child has missed any doses of these vaccines or does not attend a school setting, please, contact your GP to arrange an appointment.
Dr Annapurna Sen, Health Protection Consultant for West Northamptonshire Public Health has an important message for school pupils and their parents and guardians:
“Across Northamptonshire we have seen a decline in the uptake of childhood and adolescent vaccinations. I am asking for parents and guardians to support in protecting their children and young people this summer by checking their child’s vaccination status, to ensure they have had all their recommended doses. Don’t let an avoidable infection spoil their summer break.
“If your child has missed any vaccinations, please contact your child’s GP as soon as possible to discuss and arrange an appointment.”
For further detail regarding any of these vaccinations, please check out the West Northamptonshire Council Immunisation page.
Organisations & Services
Access Services and Support screen from the dropdown menu above, under Home